Oral Cancer is a Serious Threat

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No one likes negative health or negative oral health. In fact, cancer is a condition most people know is best when caught early to seek treatment right away. That is why your dental checkups can assist with avoiding oral cancer. Each checkup includes a cancer screening, which can help you catch it early. Our team here at Steven Wolfson, DDS in Houston, Texas, cares for your health and is happy to help you in any way we can with information about oral cancer and how it can destroy your smile.

Oral cancer is extremely serious and can appear on your lips, gums, cheeks, tongue, the floor or roof of your mouth, and even the throat. What several people may not realize is your six-month checkup includes a basic oral cancer screening, so you can get checked regularly and catch it early if it should happen.

Symptoms of oral cancer can include intense soreness, redness and irritation, red or white patches, pain, lumps in your mouth, difficulty chewing, and the way your teeth are aligned. If you feel you are suffering any symptoms, please be sure to contact your dentist, Dr. Steven Wolfson right away, so can get the proper screening.

Smoking, drinking of alcohol and any other form of tobacco use will also increase your risk of oral cancer dramatically. That is why it is always a great idea to avoid tobacco at all costs. If you still have questions or would like a dental cleaning so you can have your oral cancer screening, call us today at 713-789-1225 to set up an appointment. Our specialized staff is always happy to help you and your smile stay healthy for years to come.