Studies have shown that chewing gum for 20 minutes after eating can help prevent cavities! Let’s talk about how this works. It is not a substitute for brushing and flossing, however, chewing gum can help in surprising ways! Chewing on sugar-free gum activates your body’s first natural defense against cavities: saliva. Saliva removes food particles and debris from teeth and... read more »
When you smoke, chew tobacco, or use other tobacco products a minute amount of tar, and other chemicals are introduced to your mouth. Along with having a potential negative impact on your oral health, it can also cause dental stains to accumulate on the teeth in your smile. Embracing tobacco cessation is certainly the wisest course of action for preventing... read more »
Over the years, root canals have gotten a bad reputation. People make jokes about root canals, and hearing a dentist say those two words can cause the heartiest of dental patients to panic. But the truth is that root canals are an important and very useful aspect of dental medicine, and have saved many teeth that in years past, would... read more »
Like the rest of us, you want to keep your smile bright, healthy, and happy. You know there are things to do to help this happen, like brushing and flossing daily. Did you know that there are some things that you should NOT do? Dr. Steven Wolfson and our team are happy to make you aware of dental habits to... read more »
If you find yourself looking for reasons not to visit your dentist, you may have dental anxiety. Dental anxiety is a condition in which patients are afraid of the dentist office or oral health care treatments. Luckily, dental anxiety can be treated if you're willing. Numerous treatments including physical objects, meditative techniques, and sedatives can be used to help give... read more »
Tooth hazards can arise at any moment. With the unpredictability of life, it is important to take the steps necessary to protect your teeth from all outside threats. All the brushing and flossing in the world does not matter if you consistently put your teeth in harm’s way on a daily basis. Protect your smile with tooth hazard prevention. Some... read more »
Do you brush your teeth twice a day—every morning and every night? If so, good for you! Now, do you brush properly? Brushing properly is essential when cleaning your smile because you need to make sure to remove the harmful substances from your teeth and gums regularly. So, to help you properly brush, Dr. Steven Wolfson has some instructions for... read more »
With so many products and services available to whiten our teeth, it is hard to choose just one. Although whitening ingredients have been added to toothpaste, mouthwash, and chewing gum in recent years, the best treatments for whitening teeth are the treatment systems and kits. These include professional in-office treatments, at-home treatments, and store-bought treatments. The highest quality tooth whitening... read more »
Although many forms of jaw pain may simply be from soreness or overuse, lingering jaw pain may be a sign of something much more serious. For more information about jaw pain, consider the following: - If you notice any of the signs of jaw or facial pain, visit your dentist for a detailed exam of your oral health, which may... read more »
Did you know, if you show care for your toothbrush, you are showing care to your smile? If you think about it, if your toothbrush is storing bacteria, then your teeth will be too. Dr. Steven Wolfson and our team here at Steven Wolfson, DDS in Houston, Texas, cares for your oral health, which is why we are happy to... read more »