The natural aging process, tobacco use, and frequently consuming dark beverages, can gradually affect the color of your teeth. As time goes by, minor surface stains can start to penetrate deep into your tooth enamel turning your smile an unsightly shade of yellow, gray, or brown.
In a situation like this you might be tempted to turn to the retail whitening products sold in stores. Unfortunately, most of these items lack the strength to fully improve significant dental stains. Some of them could even prove harmful to your teeth or gums.
The wisest course of action is to schedule a whitening consultation with Dr. Steven Wolfson. In a short amount of time, he can determine the severity of your dental stains and the best method needed to fully restore your white smile.
This often calls for administering a dental bleaching treatment. The potent whitening agents Dr. Wolfson uses, and his professional techniques, can remove significant dental stains while protecting your teeth and gums from harm.
You might want to also try occasionally brushing your teeth with a whitening toothpaste that has been approved by the American Dental Association.
If you live in Houston, Texas, and you’re suffering with a discolored smile, you should call 713-789-1225 to schedule a whitening consultation at Steven Wolfson, DDS.